Hampshire Outdoor Centres, which comprises of Calshot Activities Centre, Runways End Outdoor Centre, Tile Barn Outdoor Centre and The Hampshire & Cass Foundation Mountain Centre, has put together a bumper pack of fun activities to challenge minds and boost learning.
Here is the link (https://lpda9f27a988.hana.ondemand.com/p/xUw5j), for downloadable activity sheets.

The exciting activities they will find include:
• Home-made Sailing: create your own mini-sailing boat, gaining knowledge about the parts of a boat as you go
• Sock Archery: set up and run a sock archery game, building on your creative and learning skills
• Soil study: make a soil study and unleash your inner scientist
• Sound Mapping: map the sound in your home or garden: a wonderful opportunity to sit and listen to nature and the world around us