Are you worried about sleep patterns?
Our sleep may be affected without the routine of school and work, anxiety about the virus, and uncertainty of the future. This can be particularly evident for children with neurodevelopmental issues such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, who are often sensitive to changes in routine. Excess screen time, especially in the evening, can have a detrimental impact on sleep as it stimulates the brain and makes it hard to wind down.
Why is it important?

  • Sleep encourages an effective immune system – more important now than ever.
  • Sleep improves brain function helping our attention, memory, behaviour, and learning.
  • Sleep improves mood. Lack of sleep can cause or worsen feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Sleep improves mental health.

How much sleep should CYP be getting?

  • Children 3-5 years old: 10-13 hours
  • Children 5-9 years old: 10-11 hours
  • Children 10-16 years old: 9-10 hours

Sleep tips for families during Covid-19 disruptions.
Selfcare Sleep Tips from Anna Freud Centre.
Tackling Sleep Problems with Young Minds.
Every Sleep Counts toolkit from HSCP and IOWSCP
Staff support: Did you know that the mindfulness app, Headspace is free for educators.
Crisis? NHS 111 has a 24/7 mental health triage service for self-referral.